Understanding Wazuh: The Free, Open Source Security Platform for XDR & SIEM


As we navigate the complex landscape of cybersecurity, it’s evident that robust and adaptive defenses are pivotal. I’ve discovered that Wazuh stands out as a free, open-source security platform that delivers unified XDR (Extended Detection and Response) and SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) capabilities. The Wazuh platform not only caters to various environments, including public clouds, private clouds, and on-premise data centers, but it also offers a sanctuary against the ever-evolving threats that target endpoints and cloud workloads. My exploration of Wazuh revealed an arsenal of features, from threat hunting and incident response to file integrity monitoring and dashboards, all designed to reinforce the security posture of organizations.

While there are many commercial solutions for SIEM and XDR out there, some organisations might not have the budget to go for one of those, this is where Wazuh might be a viable alternative, but I have even come across large enterprises who decided for Wazuh over other products and have built the in house skills needed to manage it.

I will say this here, if you are looking for a very advanced, predictive, and AI powered SIEM (and much more than that), that can act as the Security Command Centre for your SOC, look at BlackLight — I have written about it previously, but quite some time since then and the changes in the platform since then are quite imporessive. They also got a mention by Google last week:

My previous article (though it was written over a year ago so yes, BlackLight has come a far way since then):

Back to Wazuh. In this article, our focus will shift to dissecting how Wazuh leverages threat intelligence and an array of analytical tools to bolster security operations. I’ll dive into the inner workings of the platform, examining how its open-source XDR capabilities enable real-time detection and how its APIs facilitate seamless integration and orchestration. By harnessing the Wazuh platform, teams can enact active threat detection and response with precision, drawing upon insightful dashboards for in-depth data analysis. As we progress, I’ll offer a comprehensive outline of how to initiate your journey with Wazuh and tap into its community-driven support system, where collaboration and idea-sharing thrive, paving the way for cutting-edge incident response strategies and advanced threat intelligence implementations.

Unified XDR and SIEM Capabilities

Diving into the heart of Wazuh’s capabilities, I’ve come to appreciate its approach of unifying XDR and SIEM functions into a single coherent system. This integration isn’t just about convenience; it’s about enhancing the security posture of an organization with a range of tools that were once siloed. Here’s how Wazuh is changing the game:

  • Endpoint and Cloud Workload Protection: At its core, Wazuh provides robust protection for endpoints and cloud workloads. It’s fascinating to see how a unified agent architecture streamlines the deployment and management of security measures across diverse environments, from your on-premises data center to the public cloud. This universal agent approach ensures that whether your data is stored locally or in the cloud, it’s under constant surveillance for potential threats. Installation documentation for Windows, MacOS, and different Linux and Unix versions can be found here: https://documentation.wazuh.com/4.7/installation-guide/wazuh-agent/index.html
  • Telemetry and Log Data Analysis: It’s all about the data. Wazuh excels at collecting telemetry from a multitude of sources, including network devices, endpoints, and even third-party APIs. This data is crucial for unified security monitoring and response. The platform’s ability to break down log data into individual, digestible components is something I find particularly impressive. It’s like having a translator that turns complex code into actionable insights, all stored centrally for ease of access.
  • Threat Intelligence and Response: As someone who’s always been intrigued by the “detective work” of cybersecurity, I find Wazuh’s threat intelligence features to be a standout. The platform isn’t just about detecting threats; it’s about hunting them. With tools for behavioral analysis and vulnerability detection, Wazuh empowers you to proactively analyze and respond to threats before they escalate. The fact that it comes with built-in active response scripts ready to deploy defensive measures in real-time is a testament to its forward-thinking design.

When it comes to managing, analyzing, and visualizing security data, the Wazuh indexer, server, and dashboard form a trifecta of central components that simplify these complex processes. It’s refreshing to work with a platform that not only offers comprehensive threat detection and incident response capabilities but also integrates seamlessly with other SOC tools. And let’s not forget, this is an open-source solution; the absence of licensing fees makes Wazuh accessible to organizations of all sizes, democratizing high-level security measures in a way that’s truly commendable.

Comprehensive Protection Across Environments

In my journey exploring Wazuh, I’ve been particularly impressed by its comprehensive approach to security across various environments. Here’s a snapshot of what I’ve found:

  • Multi-Platform Endpoint Monitoring: The Wazuh agent is a chameleon in the digital world, adapting to various platforms with ease. Running on endpoints that require monitoring, it provides a vigilant eye over your digital assets. Whether it’s a server in your data center or a cloud-based application, the agent ensures consistent security monitoring.
  • Cloud Security: With the surge in cloud adoption, Wazuh’s support for platforms like AWS, Azure, GCP, and even Github is a game-changer. It addresses the nuanced challenges of cloud security, from data privacy to compliance, and the shared responsibility model. The platform’s cloud security capabilities are not just about monitoring; they include real-time threat detection, incident response, and vulnerability management, ensuring that the expanded attack surface is well-protected.
  • Telemetry and Unified Protection: The true strength of Wazuh as an open source XDR lies in its ability to collect and analyze telemetry from a wide array of sources. This unified approach to security monitoring encompasses endpoints, network devices, cloud workloads, and third-party APIs, creating a comprehensive shield against threats.

Wazuh’s XDR capabilities are particularly noteworthy. They encompass a wide range of security needs, which include:

  • Threat Hunting and Behavioral Analysis: Using Wazuh for threat hunting feels like being a cyber detective, equipped with the best tools. It goes beyond passive monitoring, allowing me to proactively search for and analyze suspicious activities, which is crucial for preemptive defense.
  • Automated Response and Compliance: The automated response features within Wazuh have been a lifesaver. They act swiftly in the face of detected threats, almost like having an ever-vigilant guardian for your digital realm. Plus, its compliance and reporting tools have made it much easier for me to ensure that we meet regulatory standards without breaking a sweat.
  • Scalability and Integration: Lastly, the scalability of Wazuh is worth mentioning. As my needs have grown, so has Wazuh. Its ability to integrate with third-party solutions and the customizability offered by its open source nature ensures that it can evolve with the ever-changing threat landscape.

Using Wazuh has given me peace of mind, knowing that it’s not just another security tool; it’s a comprehensive platform that scales and adapts to protect against the myriad of threats out there.

Integration and Scalability

Integrating Wazuh into an existing security infrastructure can be a game-changer for organizations looking to bolster their defense mechanisms. I’ve found that the platform’s compatibility with popular security tools enhances its appeal. Let’s dive into the specifics:

Seamless Third-Party Integrations: One of the things I appreciate about Wazuh is its ability to play well with other platforms. It offers integration with heavyweight security solutions like Splunk, OpenSearch, and Elastic Stack. This means you can leverage the strengths of these platforms while utilizing the open source XDR capabilities of Wazuh, creating a robust, multi-faceted defense strategy.

Data Management and Forwarding: For those of us dealing with a significant volume of alerts and security data, Wazuh’s data management is a breath of fresh air. Here’s how it works:

  • Use the Wazuh indexer for indexing security data and archiving it efficiently in a data lake.
  • Employ the Wazuh server for large-scale operations to manage and analyze the deluge of alerts.
  • Implement data forwarders like Splunk forwarders and Logstash to transfer data from the Wazuh server and indices to third-party platforms. Logstash, in particular, is a lifesaver for managing the entire data ingestion pipeline, ensuring compatibility and addressing any version mismatches between Wazuh and other platforms. Splunk forwarders, on the other hand, offer reliable data collection with advanced parsing and enrichment capabilities.

Customization and Community Support: The open-source nature of Wazuh means that it’s not just flexible and scalable, but also free from vendor lock-in. I can tweak the source code to fit our unique security requirements, which is a level of customization you don’t often get with proprietary software. Moreover, the platform’s compatibility with third-party APIs and solutions like VirusTotal, TheHive, and PagerDuty enriches its functionality even further. And if you ever need help, there’s a wealth of resources at your fingertips, from comprehensive documentation and weekly blog posts to an active community ready to offer quick-response technical support. It’s this kind of support that makes integrating and scaling Wazuh in your environment a smooth process.

For me, these features stood out as pivotal in not only maintaining but also enhancing any organizations threat intelligence and incident response capabilities.

Active Threat Detection and Response

I’ve been particularly struck by its Active Threat Detection and Response capabilities. This isn’t just a passive system waiting for alarms to sound; it’s a proactive defender, constantly on the lookout for the slightest hint of danger. Here’s how it stands guard:

  • Threat Hunting: Imagine being able to map every detected event in your network to a database of adversary tactics and techniques. That’s exactly what Wazuh’s Threat Hunting does. It’s like having a cybersecurity map that lets you zoom in on potential security threats, ensuring that nothing slips through the cracks. This feature is a boon for analysts who are always on the lookout for the next potential breach. Sharing a few examples here of the look and feel from a test instance:
  • Behavioral Analysis: Wazuh’s Behavioral Analysis is akin to a keen observer, one that learns the usual rhythm of your network’s heartbeat — file integrity, network traffic, user behavior, and system performance metrics. When something deviates from this rhythm, it’s flagged. This level of scrutiny is what sets Wazuh apart, as it uses advanced analytics to catch anomalies that could indicate a threat.
  • Automated Response: When a threat is detected, time is of the essence. Wazuh’s Automated Response acts swiftly, like a digital immune response, to minimize impact. It’s reassuring to know that the average response time to incidents is drastically reduced, thanks to this automation. In the face of a detected threat, having such responsive measures in place can be the difference between a close call and a security disaster.

Speaking to some organizations that have implemented Wazuh, the Active Response module has been a game-changer for some of them who did not have this capabilty before, nor did they have the budget for the comprehensive commercial products that offers this. It’s like having a skilled security team on standby, ready to leap into action at a moment’s notice. The default scripts, such as firewall-drop or disable-account, are just the beginning. The real power lies in the ability to craft custom active response actions using any programming language, tailoring the system to our unique needs.

For instance, when facing the threat of malware, Wazuh’s capabilities extend beyond mere detection. It actively engages in removing the malware, almost like a digital surgeon excising a tumor with precision. In the case of DoS attacks, the platform doesn’t just raise an alarm; it responds to mitigate the attack, preserving the integrity of our services. And when brute-force attacks aim to compromise user accounts, Wazuh doesn’t hesitate to disable those accounts, slamming the door shut on the attackers’ efforts.

The breadth of telemetry that Wazuh collects is vast, covering everything from endpoints to cloud workloads and third-party APIs. This unified security monitoring ensures that no stone is left unturned, no corner of our digital environment unguarded. And with its XDR features, including everything from threat intelligence to compliance and reporting, Wazuh stands as a sentinel, offering protection that’s not just robust but also adaptable and forward-thinking, thanks to its open-source customizability.

Community and Open Source Advantage

Diving a little into the heart of Wazuh’s community-driven model, I’ve been genuinely impressed by the collective power that stems from its open-source nature. Here’s a closer look at the community and open-source advantages that make Wazuh a standout platform:

  • Collaborative Innovation: The Wazuh community is a vibrant ecosystem where users and developers converge to enhance the platform’s capabilities. This active user base is not just a support network but a driving force behind the platform’s evolution, ensuring that Wazuh stays ahead of the curve in threat detection and compliance. It’s a space where ideas flourish, and improvements are continually integrated, thanks to the shared knowledge and experiences of users worldwide.
  • Customization and Flexibility: Wazuh’s open-source framework empowers me to tailor the system precisely to our security needs. It’s this flexibility that allows for a personalized touch, enabling teams to build a security infrastructure that’s as unique as an organizations digital footprint. Whether it’s tweaking existing features or developing new modules, the platform’s customizability is a testament to its user-centric design.
  • Cost-Effectiveness and Scalability: As an open-source solution, Wazuh presents an economically viable option for organizations of all sizes. The absence of licensing fees is a breath of fresh air, especially when budget constraints are tight. Yet, the platform doesn’t skimp on functionality; it scales with your organization, ensuring that whether you’re a small startup or a sprawling enterprise, your security needs are met without a hefty price tag. This scalable nature, combined with a suite of features from file integrity monitoring to real-time threat intelligence, makes Wazuh a prudent choice for long-term security management.

Engaging with the Wazuh community has been an enlightening journey. Through platforms like GitHub, Slack, and Reddit, I’ve witnessed firsthand the collaborative spirit that fuels this platform. It’s a place where you can file tickets for issues, request features, or simply seek advice on best practices. The collective wisdom and rapid response from fellow users and developers alike are instrumental in refining security strategies, proving that Wazuh is more than just a tool — it’s a partnership in cybersecurity.

Getting Started with Wazuh

Embarking on your Wazuh journey is a straightforward process, and I’m here to guide you through the initial steps to harness the power of this open source XDR and SIEM platform. Let’s get you started:

  1. Setting Up the Essentials:
  • Follow the Quickstart guide for an automated installation that gets you up and running in minutes. If you prefer a more hands-on approach, the comprehensive Installation guide is your go-to resource for detailed instructions.
  • Install your first Agents. This is a very simple process and the exact command line parameters will be generated for you based on your environment, youst go to the Agents sections and chose “Deploy New Agent”

Sample how this looks on MacOS when you are deploying

  • Remember, Wazuh is licensed under the GNU General Public License and the Apache License, ensuring that you’re part of a global community of users contributing to its continuous improvement.
  1. Exploring Wazuh’s Capabilities:
  • Once installed, utilize the Wazuh dashboard for an intuitive interface that allows for effortless configuration, monitoring, and management of your security environment. Sample Security Events Dashboard:
  • Dive into features like log management, file integrity monitoring, and intrusion detection to start fortifying your systems against threats.
  • Engage with the Wazuh community through channels like Slack or GitHub for support and to contribute to the platform’s development.
  1. Integrating and Scaling Your Security:
  • Wazuh’s RESTful API enables seamless integration with other tools and systems, enhancing your existing security infrastructure.
  • The platform’s flexible architecture can be customized to meet diverse security and compliance requirements, supporting standards such as PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and GDPR.
  • For those looking to manage multiple instances, Wazuh’s centralized management system is a boon, allowing for real-time threat detection and alerts across various channels.

For those eager to test the waters without commitment, Wazuh Cloud offers a 14-day free trial, giving you the opportunity to experience the platform’s full potential. Whether you are a seasoned security professional or just starting out, Wazuh provides the tools and community backing to elevate your security posture.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Wazuh:

What are the core capabilities of Wazuh?

  • Wazuh provides comprehensive SIEM and XDR features, including but not limited to File Integrity Monitoring, Security Configuration Assessment, and Vulnerability Detection.
  • For endpoint security, it covers Configuration Assessment, Malware Detection, and File Integrity Monitoring.
  • The platform’s threat intelligence tools encompass Threat Hunting, Log Data Analysis, and Vulnerability Detection.

How does Wazuh support cloud environments?

  • With its universal agent, Wazuh can be deployed on cloud instances such as AWS, Azure, or Linode, monitoring remote endpoints across the internet. This makes it versatile for cloud security, providing features like Containers Security, Posture Management, and Workload Protection.
  • It ensures security visibility into Docker hosts and containers, tracking behavior and detecting threats and anomalies.

Can Wazuh be integrated with other tools?

  • Absolutely, Wazuh’s RESTful API allows for seamless integration with a multitude of other security tools, enhancing orchestration and data analysis capabilities. This makes it an adaptable solution for existing security infrastructures.

What kind of support and learning resources does Wazuh offer?

  • Wazuh has a robust open-source community, with resources like a Slack channel, Google group, and GitHub repositories for learning and collaboration. These platforms are ideal for discussions, reporting issues, and contributing to the project.
  • For those who prefer structured learning, Wazuh offers paid live training courses to maximize platform utility.

Is there a trial available for Wazuh Cloud?

  • Yes, there’s a 14-day free trial for Wazuh Cloud, which is a SaaS solution that provides easy access to all the features of Wazuh’s security platform without the need for manual setup.

How does Wazuh help with regulatory compliance?

  • Wazuh is instrumental for organizations in meeting technical compliance requirements. It’s particularly popular among payment processors and financial institutions for fulfilling PCI DSS requirements, thanks to its comprehensive logging, monitoring, and incident response features.

As usual, do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Hope this little article gave you a useful overview on Wazuh and what it can do for your organization.

If you like my article, buy me a coffee to keep me going :)




Sigmund Brandstaetter CISSP, CCSP, CISM, OSCP, CEH

With a total of 30 years in the IT Industry, I have focused on Cybersecurity (Services) and related skills over the past 15 years,